So, you're interested in web.

The 5 results below may catch your eye.

A Second Design Proposal

A few days ago I submitted a first stab at a redesign for a local charity. As expected, this was way too much of a change. I learned quickly that a basic round of discussion is needed before jumping into a project. I’m still happy I practiced on the last design, but it turns out they’re looking for more of a clean, expected look. So, I ran with a look you might find in most charity templates.

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A Design Proposal

I’ve been working with a local charity to revamp their website. This has been a good project for me for a few reasons. First, as a coder, this gives me a chance to workout some design muscles. Second, as someone who normally answers only to myself, this gives me a chance to pitch to a group and understand their needs and wishes.

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Import Wordpress Nested Comments into Hugo

I’m currently in the process of converting my most complex Wordpress site into a Hugo site, and comments proved to be one of the greater challenges. My approach went from screw comments, to let’s use Disqus, to no let’s do this right and use a static comment system.

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Add Jazzy Docs to Hugo

I’m still riding this wave of excitement for static sites and free hosting, so the next step for me was to build my code documentation right into my Hugo sites instead of a separate standalone instance on Github Pages.

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Responsive Design With Moom

Responsive design is not meant to be about the device. It’s about the breakpoints that your design needs, and supporting them correctly. That’s why when dragging the browser to resize your site, the design should look good at all widths. And even though that’s true, I still have a desire to verify how the design would look on a specific device like a portrait iPad.

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